Yes, You Can Stick to Your Resolution to Run in 2021!

Three runners facing away from camera in Central Park

Congratulations—you’ve started 2021 on the right foot with a new—or renewed—commitment to exercise.

What are your strategies to keep up your fitness habit? The sobering fact is that most people who start a fitness program quit—often within a few short weeks.

We’re here to help you buck the trend, and we know you can do it! Here are 5 tips for staying motivated to exercise—whether that's running or something else.

Make the time. The number-one barrier to regular exercise is perceived lack of time—we look at our busy days and don’t see where and how we can slot a workout in. The best time to work out is the time that works best for you. That said, many people exercise first thing in the morning, before the day turns hectic.

Make it fun. Find an activity you enjoy. Many people like a varied program to keep things interesting. Others become devoted to one type of workout. Your first few weeks of new activity may feel challenging, but your efforts should make you smile, too.

Make it easy and simple. For most people, running and walking are accessible, cheap, and have almost no learning curve. If you don’t feel safe exercising outdoors or at a gym or health club, find online workout videos you can follow at home. Check out NYRR RUNCENTER at Home for some options. Our partner Hospital for Special Surgery's YouTube channel also has helpful training videos on exercise topics.

Make friends. You probably have a friend, relative, neighbor, or colleague who’d like to get moving, too. Commit to motivating each other and holding each other accountable through texts, emails, phone calls, even in-person workouts together if that’s feasible and safe. Share successes and keep pushing—together!

Don’t make excuses! There will be days when you’re tired or busy, when the weather isn’t ideal, or when you just don’t feel like it. Anticipate them, acknowledge the feelings—and head out anyway, even for 15 or 20 minutes, as long as it’s safe. Your fitness journey won’t be perfect, but with these excuse-busters, you’ll keep moving through 2021 and beyond.

Want some extra motivation right now? Sign up to run the Virtual NYRR Resolution Run 5K anytime, anywhere January 1 to 17!

Looking for an online running community? You can find camaraderie—and motivation—by joining NYRR Coaching Lab, our virtual program. The next session starts in mid-January; registration opens January 7. 

Author: Gordon Bakoulis

Coach, NYRR Coaching Lab

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