NYRR celebra el Mes de la Historia Afroamericana

Throughout February, NYRR and our partners celebrate Black History Month by telling the stories of Black American runners and running organizations. New York Road Runners, the TCS New York City Marathon, and all of the other work we do would not exist were it not for the leadership and perseverance of Black runners, including our founding president, Ted Corbitt.

We kicked off the month by announcing the Corbitt Historian Fellowship, ceremonially named in honor of Ted Corbitt, our founding president and a pioneering figure in running. The fellowship will seek to Inspire careers in public service and ensure inclusive telling of running history.

Learn more about the Corbitt Historian Fellowship.

Read about an exciting new documentary film coming out this year, "Breaking Three Hours," about Black American women sub 3:00 marathoners.

We’ll update this page throughout the month, so keep checking back. You can click on the links below to check out some of our previous stories.

Vida y obra de Ted Corbitt

Ted Corbitt, eterno atleta olímpico

Remembering Ted Corbitt on the 100th Anniversary of His Birth

We Celebrate the Founders of NYRR

New York Pioneer Club: una historia de derechos civiles

Celebramos la primera carrera de NYRR

Autor: Personal de NYRR

Recién agregado a su carrito

United Airlines NYC Half 2017

Ir a mi carrito

Tiempo de espera agotado

Su sesión ha caducado por inactividad.

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