Alison Kotch

  • Group Training

Alison moved to Brooklyn in 2009 from New Jersey, where she was born and raised. A hater of most sports and a solitary athlete at heart, she caught the running bug in her 20s when she wanted an antidote to stress and anxiety that would also get her in shape, as well as a somewhat effortless, low-pressure way to socialize. Since then, she's run several half marathons and five marathons, including the 2011 and 2018 TCS New York City Marathons, and the 2019 Boston Marathon. Though she is currently on a distance running hiatus, she eventually plans to run all six Abbot World Marathon Majors (and maybe a short ultra, if she's feeling greedy). Her favorite place in the city to run is Prospect Park (aka Brooklyn's backyard!), not just because she runs with Prospect Park Track Club (PPTC), but it's the borough's slice of nature that never gets old.

Q&A with Alison  

What program do you coach?
NYRR Group Training

What languages do you speak?

How would you describe your coaching style?
Encouraging, chill, and approachable (read: non-technical/effort based)

Please list any awards, achievements, or certifications below. This can be sports and/or coaching certifications. 
RRCA Level 1

What is your favorite place to run in New York City?
Prospect Park

What is your favorite NYRR race?
The marathon, and the Retro 4-miler

What is your personal running motto?
Running should always be about you...until it isn't! You’ll intuitively know when you have it in you to train towards big personal goals, but it’s equally important to know when to press pause and be an enthusiastic cheerleader or supporting athlete instead.

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