Shawanda Weems: 20 Years as a Rising NYRR Program Lead

Shawanda Weems walking in a race in Central Park wearing Jaguars shirt

Shawanda Weems, an English teacher at P.S./M.S. 15 in the Bronx, is one of the longest serving Rising New York Road Runners program leads. We celebrate her story as Teacher Appreciation Week takes place May 6–10.

Shawanda discovered NYRR’s youth programs in 2004 after noticing the prevalence of childhood obesity at her school. Her students at the time had few outlets for physical activity.

Wanting to encourage healthier living, Shawanda created a track team, the Jaguars, with the support of NYRR’s youth program at the time. The Jaguars became a Rising NYRR program in 2017.

The Jaguars’ mission is to promote positive self-image and encourage kids of all ages and abilities to move their bodies and reach their individual goals. The team has traveled to all five boroughs and even internationally to compete in races.

Shawanda is a determined advocate who constantly pushes for increased academic and athletic opportunities for her students. In 2012 she was recognized by First Lady Michelle Obama and honored as a “Champion for Change.” Shawanda traveled to the White House to take part in a panel devoted to youth physical education with 12 other honorees.

For many of Shawanda’s students, what started as a single step has transformed into a passion for running and fitness. One of her former students, Johnny Soto, ran nine NYRR races in 2023 including the NYRR Staten Island Half. A member of the Dyckman Run Club, Johnny ran the 2024 United Airlines NYC Half and is taking a certification course to become a personal trainer.

"Ms. Weems instilled in me the values I lead with every day: resiliency, perseverance, and cooperation. I definitely attribute my diligence to her presence during my formative years,” said Johnny.

A native of New York City, in 2016 Shawanda trained for and ran the TCS New York City Marathon along with a Jaguars alumna.

She is currently pursuing her doctorate in education, a testament to her love of educating and inspiring future generations.

Author: NYRR Staff

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