Melanie Kann

  • Group Training

Melanie has been a coach for nearly 15 years in a number of arenas spanning the wellness and fitness industries. She’s been coaching with New York Road Runners since Group Training's initial launch in 2016 and has been involved with a number of NYRR programs, products, and initiatives over the years, including NYRR virtual offerings and many RUNCENTER and race-related events. As a runner, she’s completed 25 marathons to date, plus countless other races of varying distances. Melanie holds a few fitness certifications, including RRCA (run coaching) and NASM (both personal trainer and nutrition coaching). Melanie's favorite thing about being a coach is helping others unearth the best versions of themselves so that they can achieve... and exceed their dreams!

Q&A with Melanie

¿Qué programa entrenas?
Group Training

¿Qué idiomas hablas?

¿Cómo describirías tu estilo de entrenamiento?
Dynamic, energetic, and community-focused!

¿Cuál es el momento como entrenadora del que te sientes más orgullosa?
My proudest moments as a coach always involve watching my runners approach the starting line of their goal race. Knowing how hard they've worked and seeing the looks of hope and determination on their faces makes my heart swell with pride!

¿Cuál es tu entrenamiento favorito de enseñar y por qué?
My favorite workouts to coach are the ones that end with cheer tunnels and high-fives!

¿Cuántos años llevas entrenando?
I've been a coach for 15 years, and coaching in the running industry for seven years.

Enumera tus premios, logros o certificaciones a continuación.

¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito para correr en la ciudad de Nueva York?
All the bridges!

¿Cuál es tu carrera favorita de NYRR?
I can't pick just one, but the TCS New York City Marathon, NYRR NYC 60K, Gridiron Classic, and the United Airlines NYC Half are my top ones

¿Cuál es tu lema personal para correr?
"Consistency beats intensity," and "You can only train as well as you can recover."

Recién agregado a su carrito

United Airlines NYC Half 2017

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