Alan Novie

  • Group Training

Alan grew up in Brooklyn and got into running after he quit smoking. In 1996 he ran his first race. The following year, he ran his first New York City Marathon. Since 2008, he has been the captain of a local competitive running team leading the team workouts and helping to coach and mentor members. He believes in leading by example and listening to runners’ needs to help them reach their goals. He has carried this philosophy since joining the NYRR Group Training coaching team in 2022. Whether for fitness or competition, running has become an activity for stress relief and to experience that feeling of mutual camaraderie with others.

Q&A with Alan

¿Qué programa entrenas?
Group Training

¿Cómo describirías tu estilo de entrenamiento?
Encouraging, observational, and communicative. But I do like some discipline to have runners get the most out of a workout session. n.

¿Cuál es el momento como entrenadora del que te sientes más orgullosa?
When our Group Training participants show improvement and perform above their expectations. They can see the results of their work on a daily basis and at races.

¿Cuál es tu entrenamiento favorito de enseñar y por qué?
I like tempo runs because it gives me time to assess a person’s progress and endurance.

¿Cuántos años llevas entrenando?
10+ years.

¿Cuál es su lugar favorito para correr en la Ciudad de Nueva York?
Forest Park in Queens. That is where I do most of my daily and weekend training.

¿Cuál es tu carrera favorita de NYRR?
TCS New York City Marathon

¿Cuál es tu lema personal para correr?
Do the best you can and don't give up!

Recién agregado a su carrito

United Airlines NYC Half 2017

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