April Is Volunteer Appreciation Month

This month, we're spotlighting three volunteers who lend their support to runners and participants in many ways. Whether as a pacer at the TCS New York City Marathon, a medical volunteer at the United Airlines NYC Half, or volunteering at an NYRR Open Run session, NYRR volunteers show up to offer a helping hand. Next time you see a volunteer be sure to thank them for their time and effort!

Jacqueline Choi
NYRR Pace Team Volunteer

NYRR pacer Jacqueline Choi running the 2022 RBC Brooklyn Half

"For such a large race, the NYC Marathon always feels like home to me, probably since I have had the joy and privilege of pacing this race almost every year since 2013.”

Jacqueline Choi became a pacer after running with a pace group herself at the New York City Marathon years ago. She said the pacers were dressed in Hawaiian-themed clothes and one of them played a ukulele along the course.

“Not only did I PR that day, but the race felt almost easy. To this day, I will always appreciate them because they inspired me and made me wonder if I would ever be able to do something similar.”

Eventually, Jacqueline applied to become a pacer for the marathon and has now paced for numerous NYRR races. What keeps her coming back year after year? She said it's to run one of the biggest street parties in the world.

“For such a large race, the NYC Marathon always feels like home to me, probably since I have had the joy and privilege of pacing this race almost every year since 2013. Most of that joy [comes] from being with my fellow runners. Whether they decide to stick with me for just a few minutes or for most of the race, I love being able to help them accomplish their goals of getting to the finish!”

She said she always gets emotional during the last few miles in Central Park when she witnesses the runners' perseverance and her pacing helps push them to the finish.

“My favorite memories of each and every NYC Marathon are actually after the race, when a few runners will wait for me past the finish line to thank me and to let me know that I helped them, especially towards the end.”

Rose-Gaëlle Belinga
NYRR Open Run Volunteer

Rose-Gaelle Belinga at Open Run Inwood Hill Park

“As a transplant who also happens to be quite shy, making connections in NYC expectedly posed a challenge. Luckily, being part of the Open Run community has made [living here] an enjoyable experience.”

Rose-Gaëlle, pictured above, second from left, started volunteering for Open Run shortly after the program launched in Inwood Hill Park in April 2016, in her neighborhood. She said the Open Run postcard taped to her building's front gate caught her attention.

“I decided to check it out that weekend and quickly realized that [even though] I am not a distance runner, I can certainly give back to my loving community by volunteering. Nowadays, it is part of my weekend routine and I’m sad to miss it when I’m traveling."

She is relatively new to New York City and the Open Run sessions gave her a sense of community.

“As a transplant who also happens to be quite shy, making connections in NYC posed a challenge. Luckily, being part of the Open Run community has made [living here] an enjoyable experience.”

Rose-Gaëlle said she enjoys helping Open Run participants who use the sessions as an opportunity to converse in French whether they are native speakers or just learning the language.

“Similarly, it has motivated me to increase my limited Spanish vocabulary whilst learning more about the rich cultural diversity in the city.”

Estelle Young, M.D.
NYRR Medical Volunteer

Estelle Young volunteering at 2023 UA NYC Half

The camaraderie and friendships forged through the years continue to be wonderful memories.”

Estelle Young became a medical volunteer after 9/11 when she was active with the New York City Medical Reserve Corps, an organization consisting of thousands of medical and non-medical volunteers who are deployed to respond to public health emergencies. Through them, she was introduced to the medical volunteer program at NYRR.

“The experience of volunteering as attending physician for NYRR always fills my heart with joy and [combines] my interest in sports and medicine.”

For the past two years Estelle has volunteered at the United Airlines NYC Half along the course and has been so committed to her role that she has arrived early to help set up the medical tent.

“Race day is a celebration for NYC. The smiles and happiness abound for the runners, the [volunteer] team, and the spectators."

Estelle used her medical skills to treat runners on the course with no problem, she said, and the medical volunteers work well as a team year after year.

“The camaraderie and friendships forged through the years continue to be wonderful memories."

For more information about our volunteer program, check out our volunteer page


Author: Stephanie Loleng

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