Líderes de NYRR Open Run que inspiran a sus comunidades

As we get ready for the RBC Brooklyn Half on May 21, we are also getting excited for Half Marathon Day of Giving on May 23. This year, we celebrate the impact NYRR Open Run has had in Brooklyn by spotlighting four volunteers who lead free, weekly community-led fun runs and walks in neighborhood parks. NYRR Open Run sessions welcome runners and walkers of all ages, abilities, and experience levels.

Cliff Tsao, NYRR Open Run Volunteer Captain at Marine Park

Cliff Open Run volunteer with runner_Half Marathon Day of Giving Post


What motivates you to volunteer for Open Run?

I had been training for a marathon in and around Marine Park [in Brooklyn] for a couple of years. I wondered why there was no organized group running activities there. Then in 2015 a running friend told me to check out the Marine Park Open Run program on Facebook. I was so excited that I joined that weekend. The friendly setting and easy-going group made me feel like I belonged. Soon, I was asked to help with volunteering and to lead runs.

How has Open Run had an impact in your life?

Open Run allows me to join a running family in my own neighborhood. I’ve met many positive people with different levels of running skills. The fact that I can help and coordinate with fellow volunteers and run captains makes me feel that I am able to contribute to our running community.

What is one of your fondest memories of Open Run?

When I use the stopwatch to yell out runners' finish times and have other volunteers record it. I love when runners ask about their finish time and care so much about it. The potluck gatherings we had a couple of times over the years in the summers are memorable also. And on the first Global Running Day event on June 1, we had one hundred people show up on a hot afternoon. It was exciting!

Complete this sentence: Before I participated in Open Run, I did not know I could...join a group sport. Running is a group sport in our community and is a well-participated event. I did not know I could put my best effort into exercising and get a fresh start each week.

Luz Rocca, NYRR Open Run Volunteer Captain at Highland Park

Luz Rocca Open Run Shirt_Half Marathon Day of Giving post

What motivates you to volunteer for Open Run?

Before Open Run, I was on several medications for numerous medical conditions, but with what my Open Run family taught me, I reduced the need for medications. I haven't had an asthma attack in years with the breathing techniques one of my captains taught me! Also, there’s such a camaraderie among the runners you feel like you are family.

How has Open Run had an impact in your life?

Open Run has improved my physical, mental, and emotional health. You are outdoors and see all the beauty of nature. I’ve seen red tail hawks, butterfly migrations, huge egrets, and goose flocks on our open lawns. It gives you a sense of what this world is all about and the need to take care of it. [The program] has taught me I can do more than I thought I could. My Open Run family told me I had it in me to do a marathon. I have completed two marathons with my Open Run family’s words running in my head saying, “It’s not the amount of time, just cross the finish line." I’m so thankful for having them in my life!

What is one of your fondest memories of Open Run?

During the holidays we all wear something to represent the holiday and even bake treats to celebrate one another. Also, that most of us will wait for the last runner as a family to cheer them to the finish line. We inspire one another. We help one another!

Tell me how Open Run has helped you inspire others achieve their running/walking goals.

I have invited others to Open Run that now run with us. Last year during the TCS New York City Marathon, while running in Brooklyn I met a young lady doing her first marathon. I tried to give her all the advice my Open Run family gave me. I told her we will do it together, and we did. At Mile 18 she wanted to give up, but I told her we will walk one step at a time until we cross the finish line. And she did it! It made me teary eyed and proud to know I made such an impact on her, but really it was her determination that got her to finish.

Complete this sentence: Before I participated in Open Run, I did not know I could...run a mile, find inner peace when running, be more confident in my abilities, and not fear a task that seems lengthy—you take it one step at a time, and you will succeed.

The “Dynamic Duo” Marva Joseph and Marie Young, NYRR Open Run Volunteer Captains at Canarsie Park

Marva and Maria Open Run volunteers_Half Marathon Day of Giving post

What motivates both of you to volunteer for Open Run?

Volunteering at Canarsie Park is a chance for us to give back to the community and make a difference in the park where our love for running began. We believe we all should motivate each other because running in a group creates a sense of safety and accountability. We became captains because we wanted the Open Run program to be a success.

How has Open Run had an impact on your life?

The program helped us become consistent runners and has created a lifestyle change for us—it boosted our running confidence and social skills.

What is one of your fondest memories of Open Run?

Families participating, walkers and runners bringing their dogs, others walking with their babies in strollers. It’s just a great feeling to see the community investing in their health.

What inspires you most about Open Run runners/walkers?

The walkers and runners inspire us when they show up to participate in the program. We are also inspired when they are excited to see that their time is improving because of their consistency. It reminds us of when we first began running.

How has Open Run helped you build relationships within your community?

We have developed friendships with many participants. We became volunteers and began our running journey in 2016 and have been well recognized by the community as the Canarsie Park “Dynamic Duo”. And because of this, we have inspired many participants to become volunteers and to sign up for NYRR races, half marathons, and even marathons.

Complete this sentence: Before we participated in the open run, we did not know we could...have so much fun volunteering at the 2017 TCS New York City Marathon or run a half marathon or even a marathon within a year—proof that consistency pays off. We’ve completed three marathons and plan to run the 2022 TCS New York City Marathon. Our quest is to complete the Abbott Six [World Marathon Majors] to receive that beautiful medal!

Want to help us continue to bring valuable programs like NYRR Open Run to communities in Brooklyn? Consider making a donation today! 


Author: NYRR Staff

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