Trabajando en casa: Nutrición e hidratación

Whether you are just starting out or are an exercise pro, managing your nutrition and hydration while working out at home can be a challenge. When staying healthy and fit, a holistic approach to your routine will not only improve athletic performance but also greatly help with your overall wellness. 


Dehydration is a very common issue with athletes of all types, and can leave you dizzy, fatigued, and cramping. One of the best ways to avoid this is to stay hydrated throughout the day, not just when you are physically active. That way you do not enter your workout already dehydrated. Keeping water nearby in a water bottle will make it easily accessible. If you feel thirsty, even just a little, don’t hold off taking a drink, as this is your body’s way of telling you that it is on its way to becoming dehydrated.

Avoid dehydrating drinks such as coffee. Sadly, everyone’s favorite caffeinated beverage actually does dehydrate your cells. With many of us stuck at home throughout the day, having more coffee on top of our usual amount is an easy habit to get into, but it should be avoided. If you can’t go without your morning cup of joe, make sure to balance it out with plenty of water.

Once it is time to get exercising, pay attention to your fluid intake. Working out at home can often psychologically feel very different than in a gym or outdoors. You might subconsciously not be as attentive to your body since you are in the safety and comfort of your home, and therefore not put as much effort into things such as staying hydrated. Exercise is exercise, and you are still sweating and losing water and electrolytes no matter the location of your workout. Make sure to keep the water or a sports drink handy and actually drink it during intense workouts. 

Honey Stinger Hive dietician Kayla Martin notes, “Electrolytes are critical for optimal performance. They are key components to our body’s control center, for fluid balance, blood pressure regulation, muscle contraction, nervous system, and cellular function. Athletes need all systems firing—just one little glitch or twitch… a second is lost, a ball is dropped, or an injury is flaring.”

During difficult efforts, consider consuming something like Honey Stinger PLUS+ Performance Chews which provide carbohydrates and sodium, and wash them down with about 20 ounces of water!”



Let’s face it, eating right is hard, and it is even harder these days when the temptation to order out is right there —or, if you are like me, when cooking healthy meals day in and day out is a struggle. What you put in your body becomes the energy that fuels you, but as your probably know, not all food is created equal. Many of us are struggling to eat healthy under the current circumstances, but it is something worth working at to maintain health.

A major quarantine trend has been baking, and while baked goods are fine in moderation, it is important to not go too far down the comfort food rabbit hole and keep sugar, saturated fat, and oil intake low. The same goes for those salty or sugary snacks like potato chips and candy many of us like to reach for when boredom hits.

So what should you be doing instead, and how does this affect your workouts? Make sure you are getting your protein, which is vital to muscle health. Of course, eat a lot of fruits and veggies, which not only are a source of calories, but also provide your body with necessary vitamins, minerals, and fiber which you need to function properly and build muscle. Also, work in unsaturated fats such as nuts, which can help reduce inflammation post workout.


Don’t be afraid of carbs! Carbohydrates may have a bad reputation, but they are essential to overall body function as they are the main source of energy for the body, and if you exercise regularly you need even more of them. The key is to consume the right kinds. “Complex carbs” can be found in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and will provide you with the energy and nutrients your body needs.

To get ready for a workout, you should fuel up so your body has a resource of energy to pull from. Eating a pre-exercise snack that combines carbohydrates with protein provides a great boost to keep you strong. Bananas, nuts, and fruit are all good options, but if you are looking for something a little bit more robust, you can try Honey Stinger waffles which are delicious and specially designed to provide the energy you need before and during a workout.

Author: Katie Manzi

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