Los miembros del personal de NYRR corren para apoyar las vidas de las personas negras

This month, as part of our Virtual NYRR Black Lives Matter 1M and our Rising New York Road Runners Moves for Black Lives Matter, we reached out to New York Road Runners staff members to ask why they are running or walking to support Black lives. We share their responses below.

Sign up today to run the free Virtual NYRR Black Lives Matter 1M and help raise awareness and funding to support nonprofit organizations assisting the Black community. Participants can make their own course and run or walk this free virtual race anywhere, anytime through July 12. Join us in showing solidarity with the Black running community. After you've registered, in addition to your virtual race bib you can also print out a Why I Run bib to wear during your Virtual NYRR Black Lives Matter 1M and tell the world why you're running or walking in solidarity with the Black community.

“My life is my kids’ lives. Nothing matters more. I have spent many years protecting them out of fear and inexperience, and they deserve so much more, as does every Black life. I run for awareness, transformation, and reform.” 

NYRR staffer with family by water

 “I am running the Virtual NYRR Black Lives Matter 1M to make a statement. Our power matters, our voices matter, our ideas matter, our dreams matter, our lives matter—at work, home, school, in advocacy, in our running community, in all spaces across this city, and in all facets of society.”

NYRR staffer at a track

“I run to support Black lives, particularly the lives of my Black colleagues who have courageously used their voices to share their honest and painful experiences in society and the workplace. I am grateful to them for doing so and expect that all of us, especially those who identify as white like me, commit to the fight against racism.” 

“I run to support Black lives because I’ve always believed in the power of sport to help break down social and racial barriers, and this step is no different. Having lived all around the world, including South Africa, I’ve always enjoyed how universal running is as a sport and how it helps bridge many gaps between people of different backgrounds, races, and genders. I’m very proud to partake in an activity I love for a cause I feel strongly about.”

NYRR staffer running on 5th Avenue

“I run to support Black lives because representation matters. My dream is for the next generation of young Black people to run without fear. To be truly represented in the running space, globally.” 

NYRR staff member in a road race

“I run to support Black lives because the color of their skin should not negatively impact their life.” 

BLM chalk drawing on cobblestones

“Many heroes and dear friends in my life are Black. Without them, I would not be the person I am and strive to be: their lives matter, Black Lives Matter. I run in support of Black lives for them and the many others who fight racial profiling, bias, and injustices.”

NYRR staffer with other runners wearing masks

“I run to support Black lives because it is my protest and opportunity to make space and take up space for all generations of Black runners.” 

NYRR staffer in New Balance 5th Ave Mile

“I run for Black lives because I want to raise awareness that we are not all equal on the run…yet. I want everyone to learn about all kinds of running, and to gain access to safe places to run and the right equipment to run in. I have learned a lot since I started at NYRR about the inequities in what I thought was an incredibly egalitarian sport, and I want to make changes so that my son grows up in a world where everyone is at the same place when they line up for a race. I run for Black lives because I never want to see another Black man killed, like Ahmaud Arbery, because he went for a run.”

NYRR staff member running

“Our lives are sacred and should be valued as such. I run for the Black lives of those who are tired and exhausted because the fight against racism has worn them out. I run for those who can no longer breathe!” 


NYRR staff members at a race

“I run to support Black lives for meaningful and lasting change.”

“I run and walk with my older adults to support Black lives because there’s no reason why we should be treated any differently.” 

NYRR staff member sitting

“I am running a mile for all the extra miles the Black community has had to battle in the fight for equity and justice. Black Lives Matter.”

“I run to support Black lives and to honor the memories of the countless victims of police brutality and white supremacist vigilantism and in solidarity with all those who are working to bring these injustices to light and build a more just and equitable future.”


NYRR staffer with mask


“I run to support Black lives because no Black mother or father should live each day fearing for the safety of their children simply because of the color of their skin.”

“I am running for Black lives to raise awareness, offer support, and be part of a movement for change.”

MLK image

Author: NYRR Staff

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