NYRR celebra el Mes de la Historia Afroamericana

Febrero es el Mes de la Historia Afroamericana, una celebración anual de los logros de los afroamericanos y un momento para reconocer su papel central en la historia de Estados Unidos.

At NYRR, we recognize the leadership, achievements, and perseverance of Black runners and supporters of running—throughout history and today, in New York City and beyond.

Click on the links below to learn more, be inspired, and engage with events and happenings this month as we celebrate and honor Black runners and leaders together. Check back throughout the month as we add more content!

NYRR celebra la vida de Ted Corbitt

Ted Corbitt Running

Conocido como “el padre de las carreras de larga distancia”, Ted Corbitt fue el primer corredor afroamericano en competir en la maratón olímpica y el presidente fundador de New York Road Runners. Completó 223 maratones y ultramaratones, ganando 30 de ellas, y corrió más de 170,000 millas en su vida. También fue un fisioterapeuta innovador, el inventor de la medición precisa de rutas y un defensor incansable de la inclusión de todas las edades, razas, géneros y habilidades.

New York Pioneer Club: una historia de derechos civiles

Sudadera del New York Pioneer Club sobre una cerca con el cartel de Yancey Track and Field

New York Road Runners became the diverse and inclusive organization it is today thanks to a Harlem track club. NYRR and the TCS New York City Marathon are a gift to the world from New York City’s Black community and the New York Pioneer Club of Harlem.

Una línea de tiempo de la historia de los corredores afroamericanos de larga distancia

Ilustración de los practicantes de pedestrianismo Frank Hart y Daniel O'Leary

Ted Corbitt, NYRR’s founding president, wasn’t the first world-class Black American distance runner. Black running history in America dates to at least the 1870s and is both rich and deep.

Honoring Percy Sutton

Mujeres finalistas de la New York City Marathon 1975

As Manhattan borough president, Percy Sutton was integral to the founding of the five-borough New York City Marathon in 1976. A prominent Black political, social, cultural, and business leader, Sutton was a lifelong supporter of running and NYRR, and is the namesake of the Percy Sutton Harlem 5K.

Artist Derrick Adams at The FLAG Art Foundation

Derrick Adams: I Can Show You Better Than I Can Tell You

Installation view of Derrick Adams: I Can Show You Better Than I Can Tell You at The FLAG Art Foundation, 2023
Photography by Steven Probert

Derrick Adams is a Black Brooklyn-based artist who designed the shirt for the NYRR Gridiron 4M Presented by The FLAG Art Foundation. A free exhibit of Adams’ work is at The FLAG Art Foundation in Chelsea through March 11. You can also check out race shirt in our reveal on Instagram and a larger rendition on site on race day on February 12.

Virtual NYRR Black History Month 5K

Virtual Black History Month 5K Logo

Sign up to run this virtual race anywhere, anytime between February 18 and February 26 and complete your 3.1 miles in honor of Black people who have been influential in your community and around the world.

Art Hall, 2022 NYRR Hall of Fame Inductee

Art Hall


Art Hall (1947–2011), a Harlem native mentored by Ted Corbitt, was a constant presence on the New York area running scene starting in the early 1970s. He pushed the boundaries for Black runners at a time when many were told they could not prevail over long distances. Hall finished in the top six at the New York City Marathon four times and served on NYRR’s Board of Directors.

Celebrate the Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce

This year, we highlight the Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce (GHCC) for their incredible impact for 125 years through commercial and small business development, educational services, and arts and culture. GHCC's mission is to improve the quality of life for all residents and develop and attract quality business and professional services. Nos sumamos a la celebración de sus esfuerzos, allanando el camino como la organización comercial continua más antigua de Upper Manhattan. Vea cómo la Cámara de Comercio de Greater Harlem y sus socios celebran el Mes de la Historia Afroamericana.

“Breaking Three Hours” celebra a las maratonistas afroamericanas con tiempos por debajo de 3:00 horas

Breaking Three Hours

A new award-winning documentary tells the stories of nine of the 28 Black U.S.-born women who have run faster than 3:00 in the marathon. The film is now available for streaming on multiple platforms and makes an important statement about the power of representation.

Los clubes de corredores centrados en afroamericanos conmemoran el Mes de la Historia Afroamericana

James Ravenell corriendo la Percy Sutton Harlem Run 5K 2019 

During Black History Month and all year long, Black runners and members of Black-centered running clubs in NYC celebrate their running experiences. Here, we highlight celebrations and observances of a few local clubs.

Autor: Personal de NYRR

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United Airlines NYC Half 2017

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