Un cuarto de milla con Dashing Whippets

Barbara Mann, Dashing Whippets

The New Balance 5th Avenue Mile takes place this Sunday, September 8, and one New York City-based club that will out in force is Dashing Whippets Running Team. Last year, the Whippets had an amazing 163 runners race the 5th Avenue streets. Before she takes off and flies by 20 blocks this weekend, we spoke to one of the Whippets’ resident speedsters, Barbara Mann, for this edition of A Quarter-Mile With.

Name: Barbara Mann

Club: Dashing Whippets Running Team 

Fartlek or tempo? Tempos, when they go well. There's nothing like getting into that flow state when you feel like someone has turned on a magic "power assist" mode. They don't always go that way though! 

Favorite NYRR race? The TCS New York City Marathon. It's, by far, my favorite day of the year in NYC. It's hard to imagine being in New York in November and not running it. The sheer size and scope of it is mind-boggling and the energy, spirit, and kindness of the city overwhelms me every time.

Favorite race distance? 10 miles, probably because the New Balance Bronx 10M in 2018 was my all-time best race.

Favorite distance to run? 7 miles, which is the big loop in Central Park, including to and from my apartment. It always feels like a solid effort, whether I'm in serious training mode or not.

Running hero? Roberta Groner. I'm in awe of her ambition and determination, and I love how she came into her talent as a fellow masters runner. 

Post-race meal? Bagel, cream cheese, and lox from Orwashers on the Upper West Side. And a coffee.

Cold-weather or warm-weather running? Warm weather. It's easier to take that first step when getting out of bed at 5:00 a.m. for a run when it's warm out, and there's less gear to worry about.

Treadmills: yay or nay? Nay. I used to be a treadmill junky, but I changed my ways a few years ago and haven't turned back.

Most exotic place you’ve run? Mont Saint-Michel in France.

Race-day inspiration quote? “Live the mile you're in," for the beginning of the race, and "It's supposed to hurt!" in the homestretch.

Toughest race course, in your opinion? Any 10K in Central Park. 

Song that makes you want to go faster? "Make Me Feel" by Janelle Monáe.

You can run alongside any three people in the world: Who are they? Michelle Obama. Does she run? I’m not sure, but she seems fit; Beyonce, which is self explanatory; and Ellen Degeneres as I just love her. That would be a pretty awesome run with some brilliant, funny, and powerful women! 

Best non-running account you follow on Instagram? Pete Souza. He was the official White House photographer for Barack Obama, and his posts are inspiring and heart breaking at the same time

Your club, in five words or less? Spirited, inclusive, fun-loving, and inspiring.


Author: Gary McLaughlin

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