Presented By Biofreeze

Recorra las calles del Bronx con la NYRR Pace Team Presented by Biofreeze

A NYRR Pace Team member running in a crowd on the street

The NYRR Pace Team Presented by Biofreeze is back on the streets of New York this Sunday for the New Balance Bronx 10 Mile. Never run a race with a pacer before? Here are a few reasons to consider giving it a try:

Prep for your marathon: If you’re training for a fall marathon, running with a pacer can help you gauge your fitness level, so you can adjust your marathon finish time goals accordingly if needed. It can also help you understand what proper pacing feels like in a real-race scenario.

Crush your goal: Are you in great shape and going for a PR on Sunday? A pacer can help you hit your goal time by not going out too fast, losing momentum in the middle, or “settling” rather than pushing in the final miles.

Sidestep the struggle: Running an evenly paced race is a challenge for just about every runner. Running with a pacer can be an admission that pacing is an area you struggle with, and one where you want to avoid the stress of managing it on your own. Our pacers and the runners around them finish with a smile—and you can, too!

No matter your reasons, you can count on the pace team to run an even effort over Sunday’s 10 miles. The member have years of experience and they love running so much that they dedicate their free time to helping others achieve their goals.

Running with a pacer is totally free! You can find them in the start corrals wearing bright Biofreeze blue and green singlets along and carrying pace signs with their pace per mile on one side and their goal finish time on the other.

NYRR Coach Melanie Kann wearing the Biofreeze Pace Team singlet surrounded by runners.
NYRR coach pace team member Melanie Kann has these words for any runners heading to the Bronx this weekend: “The New Balance Bronx 10 Mile is a very fast course if you play your cards right. Make sure to start out at a controlled effort so that you have plenty in the tank for the hill around the 10K mark. After that point, you can start to crank it up on your return trip down the Grand Concourse.”

With humid and warmish weather in the forecast for Sunday, Kann urges runners to pay attention to hydration. “Take advantage of the water stations along the course and make sure to stay well hydrated,” Kann recommends.

If Sunday will be your first time running with a pacer, follow Kann’s final race-day tips: “When running with a pacer, make sure to give them plenty of room. Remember that your pacers are aiming to run around 30 seconds under their goal time, so if they’re in your sights, you’re going to make your goal time!”

If you find yourself in need of some cooling pain relief on race day, keep an eye out for the Biofreeze Pain Relief Zone located on the course just before mile 6 for some fast-acting help. You can count on Biofreeze to help you #FeelNoLimits not only in the New Balance Bronx 10 Mile, but also in all your future training, races, and recovery aches and pains.

Author: Katie Manzi

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